Monday, January 1, 2018

Here's To 2018

heres to the moments when we didnt think about right or wrong, where we just lived, crossed our fingers and hoped for the best "

New Years Day. The day of that marks the beginning of the "new you". A day that marks the beginning of your New Year's resolution to better yourself, your environment, and your overall lifestyle. We make lists and dream about how the year will be better with us doing these things and yet a week later we're found sitting on the sofa with a bag of chips in our laps binge watching a show we've seen four times to date. All for what? A reassurance you'll get to it tomorrow? Next week? Next month or even next year?

Nobody follows through with their New Year's resolution. I barely keep up with update days let alone a resolution to get up early and start running with my dog. We collectively make these promises to ourselves with no intent to follow through and then expect to be a changed person by the end of the year. 

Nobody will be the same person at the end of the year. Nobody will leave this new year the same either. We, as humans, learn and as we learn we grow, and as we grow, we become different people. It's our job, right now, it find the source of our unhappiness in the past year and to smother it. It's now our job to cut out the toxic people, the problems they bring, and the trouble and leave it in the past. It's now time to learn from our mistakes, and to learn from our failures as failure is the greatest teacher. We learned not to make those mistakes and to do things differently and now we head into the new year with a new outlook and a fresh mind.   

Now, I challenge you reader, to make a daily, a weekly, and even a monthly resolution to yourself. No matter the size of it, I challenge you to make the task and to complete the task. Start by making your bed in the morning. Start by getting up earlier and going to sleep earlier. Start by adding more greens to your plate than meats. Start going on crazy adventures and start trying new things. Read books you like and those you don't. Eat the food you thought smelled funny but never tried or try a food you hated as a kid. Listen to new music and old music. Start somewhere, start small, and you'll be inclined to do much more than just a simple task. Start somewhere and be amazed by the change. 

So here's to 2018, the year the resolution changes. The year we become better people, lead better lives, and better the world we live in. 2018 will be the year that all the bullshit will be left in and the year become the people we are meant to be in due time. 

here's to 2018
here's to us
here's to the year of better 

Until We Perish,